
How to edit microsoft word text to speech
How to edit microsoft word text to speech

how to edit microsoft word text to speech how to edit microsoft word text to speech

When you’re finished editing the transcript, you can add it to the document by selecting the “Add All To Document” button at the bottom of the pane. Here’s the function of each button, from left to right: This is necessary if the transcript is long, and you can’t remember exactly who said what. If necessary, you can use the playback controls to revisit the audio recording. You can also edit the name of the speaker, as well as every instance where the speaker (i.e., Speaker 1 or Speaker 2) appears by ticking the box next to “Change All Speaker.” When you’re finished, click the checkmark. Now you can edit the transcription found in this section. You can edit a section of the transcript by hovering your mouse over the incorrect text and then selecting the pen icon. You might notice that the transcript doesn’t perfectly reflect the recorded audio accurately. If Word can’t detect multiple speakers, you’ll just see “Speaker.” If Word detects multiple speakers, you’ll see “Speaker 1,” Speaker 2,” and so on. Microsoft automatically separates the text by the speaker. Each section will have a timestamp, the speaker’s name, and the transcribed text. Once this is done, you’ll see the transcription appear in the same pane you recorded the audio. It may take a few minutes for Word to finish transcribing the audio recording and uploading it to OneDrive. You won’t see the transcription happen live as you’re speaking because Microsoft found that to be a bit too distracting during its testing.Īfter you’re finished, click the “Pause” button and then select “Save and Transcribe Now.” Now you can transfer the file to your Smartphone and listen to your work in the car or as you walk around.Once selected, the timer will start. Now you can use this Text to speech tool to read out the information as you read it, this may help you to memorise more effectively.Īpp Smashing: This approach of app smashing means you can use multiple applications to create something new. Drag your Word document into this website, called Ally.ac, and you can now convert the document into an MP3 file.

how to edit microsoft word text to speech

It may also assist increased comprehension and learning (some people learn better by listening).Ĭonsider writing up study notes for an exam. This Read aloud tool supports multitasking (writing notes as you listen to the document). These can be for proofreading (some people are better at hearing written errors instead of reading to find errors). You can also choose the voice – click on the settings button (the icon that has a speaker with a cog) and a selection of voices will appear. The feature allows you to control the speed it reads aloud so simple text could be read quickly while denser text can be read slower - as seen in the image. Most useful for: Understanding written information and some people will find it useful to both read and listen to the information at the same time as this can aid memorising of information. Purpose: Word makes listening possible by using the text-to-speech (TTS) ability of your device to playback written text as spoken words. (The online version of read aloud is called ‘Immersive Reader’ and is explained on this AT Hive webpage). (May be part of a premium Education or Company account) | Platforms: Read aloud is on the Desktop and Laptop version of Word. Cost: Text to Speech is only available for Office 2019 and Microsoft 365.

How to edit microsoft word text to speech